Permanent Cosmetics Specialists

Permanent Make-Up Key Points

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  • Permanent cosmetics can be applied to both women and men.
  • Permanent cosmetics are a delicate and sophisticated form of tattooing, called micro-pigmentation.
  • The treatments are regarded as permanent in nature as the pigments used will not totally fade over time and the effect of the treatment will always be visible.
  • It is essential therefore that you should only be treated by a highly experienced specialist whose prior work you are able to examine and with whom you have total confidence.
  • You should note that there is no totally effective procedure for removing pigment.
  • Clients will be very much involved in the treatment process including the shaping and colouration involved and will be asked to confirm their acceptance before the treatment actually takes place.
  • Clients should be prepared for the initial colour intensity to be significantly darker (up to 50% darker) and more defined after the initial treatment. This intensity will soften and lighten as the skin tissue heals to ultimately achieve the desired effect over a period of 14 days.
  • For optimum results, clients will need to return for a re-touch treatment usually between 6-12 weeks after the initial treatment. The cost of this is included in the price of the initial treatment.
  • Pigments WILL fade and Colour Boost treatments will be required (frequency depends on individual clients), but is usually 6 – 18 months after the initial treatment. Permanent Make-Up is a low maintenance, not a no maintenance treatment.
  • The result of the treatment is determined by the following:

    • The type of medication you are taking

    • Skin characteristics – (e.g. dry, oily, sun-damaged etc)

    • Natural skin undertones – (blending with chosen pigment)

    • Personal pH balance of skin, which can vary from visit to visit

    • The shape and position of your facial features

    • Diet

    • Alcohol intake and smoking

    • Post treatment care

  • A typical treatment takes between 2-3 hours so please allow adequate time in your diary before making a booking.

  • We use topical anaesthetic to limit the experience of pain during the treatment, but in some cases, clients might experience discomfort.

  • It is normal for delicate and sensitive areas of the skin to become swollen and reddened during and following a treatment, therefore clients are advised not to make any important social plans for at least a week following the treatment.

  • Treated areas will take up to 14 days to heal satisfactorily and clients will be asked to comply with the ‘Client After Care Advice’ which includes limiting exposure of the skin to extreme heat and colour and saltwater i.e. it is recommended you should not go on holiday for at least 2 weeks post treatment.

  • To limit the risk of any adverse reaction clients are asked to complete a patch test prior to any treatment. However, it should be noted that this is not a guarantee that any adverse reaction will not occur.

  • It is essential that you complete the Medical Check List with care to ensure we are fully aware of your medical history and can advise on the appropriateness of the treatment.

  • In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the topical anaesthetic could occur.

  • In extreme cases, if the eyes are not kept closed during the process of applying the topical Anaesthetic in advance of a Permanent Eyeliner Treatment corneal abrasion could occur.

  • In rare cases, the pigment may migrate under the skin.

  • There is a remote possibility that loss of eyelashes, inconsistency of colour and scarring could occur.

  • Infections could occur, particularly if a client does not adhere to the Client Aftercare advice.

  • If you suffer from cold sores (clinically termed as ‘herpes simplex’), you may have a recurrence after the procedure which can be treated with Zovirax or other anti-herpes medication.

  • Any Permanent Cosmetics Treatment may stimulate any dormant viruses.

  • In the case of lip treatments, the lips may appear dry and flaky for up to 10 days following the treatment and therefore the timing of the treatment should be considered in the context of proposed social engagements.